Quartz Glass

The quartz glass is made of pure silice (Si02 - Silice Dioxide), which gives it exceptional properties.

Main characteristics:

  • Resistant to very high temperatures 1300ºC.
  • Low thermal expansion.
  • Low coefficient of thermal expansion, it can be heated and cooled without risk of breakage due to thermal shock.
  • Good optical transmission of ultraviolet rays, does not heat up with the passage of ultraviolet light.
  • High purity, + 99% SiO2.
  • High dielectric strength.
  • Low electrical conductivity.
  • Good micro-wave transmission.

At VidresWeb we cut Quartz glass to measure.

We ship to the entire Iberian Peninsula, Balearic Islands and CE. Canary Islands and other countries, consult.


Quartz Glass Rectangular

Quartz Glass Circular


Width m cm mm

Maximum dimensions: o
If you modify the selected thickness, the maximum allowed dimensions may change.

Height m cm mm

Maximum dimensions: o
If you modify the selected thickness, the maximum allowed dimensions may change.

Type and color
Quartz Glass Transparent Type and color Transparent

Quartz Glass Transparent

Fully transparent glass with a very light shade greenish.


Quartz Glass 2 mm

Quartz Glass Cutted Edges Cutted

Quartz Glass Cutted

Quartz Glass Normal Corners Normal

Quartz Glass Normal

Purchase Summary Quartz Glass
Corners Selections:
If you buy before: 05/10
you will receive it before: 15/10
WEIGHT: 5.00
Your purchase Show Summary
Unit Price:
Tax excluded

Quartz glass 2 mm thick Transparent extra clear


Quartz glass 2 mm thick Transparent extra clear

Fused quartz consists of pure silica (Si02 — Silicon dioxide). Fused quartz displays a number of unique characteristics that make it the ideal material for use in a variety of specialized processes and uses where other materials are not suitable.

For use in processes at high temperatures, due to its low thermal expansion and its excellent resistance to thermal shocks. It can withstand temperatures above 1300 °C, and due to the low average coefficient of thermal expansion it can be heated and cooled without risk of breakage due to thermal shock.

Its good optical transmission of ultraviolet rays makes quartz glass an essential material for the lighting industry.

Due to its high purity that ensures minimal contamination, quartz glass is one of the most important materials in the semiconductor industry.

For use in electronics, fused quartz is characterized by high dielectric strength, low electrical conductivity, and good microwave transmission, even at high temperatures.

Due to its resistance to water, saline solutions, and acids, quartz tubing is used by the chemical industry for laboratory instruments and equipment. Pureza química (trazos de elementos en ppm)

Chemical purity (trace elements in ppm)

Al Fe  Ca  Ti  Na  Li  Mg  Cu  Cr 
16  0,8 0,8 1,5 0,9 0,9 0,7 0,1 <0,05 <0,05

OH content

The OH- content of 15 to 45 ppm is stable. After heat treatment, a reduction in the OH- content of a maximum of 3 ppm is possible by tempering the material at 1000 °C for a period of 30 hours.

thermal properties

Coeficiente medio de dilatación lineal térmica (20 - 300 °C) 5,5 . 10-71°C
Escala de temperaturas de transformación 1075ºC — 1210°C
Temperatura de enfriamiento inferior; Ig i (en dPas) 14,5 1075°C
Temperatura de enfriamiento superior; Ig ri (en dPas) 13,0 1180°C
Temperatura de reblandecimiento; Ig u (en dPas) 7,6 1730°C
Escala de temperaturas de trabajo; Ig i (en dPas) 5 - 8 1700ºC — 2100°C
Temperatura máxima admisible para uso de larga duración 1100°C
Temperatura máxima admisible para uso de corta duración 1300°C


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Quartz Glass

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When you take the measurements, use a quality meter; If not, there may be differences between the measurements you take and the ones we send you. Glass is a very fragile material so it cannot be very tight to rigid frames.

To prevent it from breaking due to expansion, the glass should always measure 4 mm less than the place where it should be installed, both in width and height. The space that remains free must be filled with silicone.


Select the most suitable length and width for your needs. If you need measurements larger than the accepted maximums, contact us.

Select the most suitable length and width for your needs. If you need measurements larger than the accepted maximums, contact us.