Applications: Glass Roofs

Glass roofs are a very good option to let light pass in areas where there are no windows or dark areas, at VidresWeb we have a selection of cut to size glass that can be used to manufacture glass roofs, both for interiors and exteriors, gardens or terraces.

Wired Glass - Thickness 6 mm - Type and color Transparent

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Laminated Glass - Type and color Transparent - Thickness Laminated 5+5

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Laminated Glass - Type and color Transparent - Thickness Laminated 6+6

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Laminated Glass - Type and color Matte - Thickness Laminated 5+5

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The glass for roofs must have good resistance to different weather conditions, here we are going to recommend glass for roofs that are not walkable, if you need a glass that is walkable, look at the glass floor section. The VidresWeb online store recommends using laminated glass or wired glass for exterior areas or interior patios where thermal insulation is not needed, if insulating glass is required, we recommend a double glaced glass.

All the glass recommended by VidresWeb in this section are safety glass, to minimize damage in the event of breakage.

These are our recommendations:

The VidresWeb store in this section makes general recommendations for wired glass, laminated glass and double glaced glass, this does not mean that other glasses can be used, consult other sections of the VidresWeb store to find other types of glass, in case of any doubt, contact us at and our technicians will advise you on the most suitable glass for your application.